Archive | Lipids

Steroids: Groups and Useful Roles

In this article we will discuss about the groups and useful roles of steroids. Groups of Steroids: Some of the major groups of steroids are as follows: 1. Sterols: Steroids with 8-10 carbon long aliphatic side chain at carbon 17 and at least one alcoholic hydroxyl (e.g., at position 3), e.g., cholesterol, ergasterol, coprosterol, stigmasterol, sitosterol, campesterol. 2. Bile Acids: [...]

By |2016-08-17T17:19:09+00:00August 17, 2016|Steroids|Comments Off on Steroids: Groups and Useful Roles

Types of Lipids: 10 Types (With Diagram)

The following points highlight the ten important types of lipids. The types are: 1. Neutral or True Fats 2. Waxes 3. Cutin 4. Suberin 5. Phospholipids 6. Sphingolipids 7. Lipoproteins 8. Terpenes 9. Prostaglandins 10. Steroids. Lipid: Type # 1. Neutral or True Fats: They are triglycerides which are formed by esterification of three molecules of fatty acids with one [...]

By |2016-08-17T17:19:08+00:00August 17, 2016|Lipids|Comments Off on Types of Lipids: 10 Types (With Diagram)

Lipids Types: Simple, Compound and Derived Lipids

The following points highlight the top three types of lipids. The types are: 1. Simple Lipids 2. Compound Lipids 3. Derived Lipids. Type # 1. Simple Lipids: A. Fats: (a) They are esters of fatty acids with glyc­erol. (b) They are found in nature in large quanti­ties. (c) They are the best reserve of food material in the human body. [...]

By |2016-07-25T07:45:16+00:00July 25, 2016|Lipids|Comments Off on Lipids Types: Simple, Compound and Derived Lipids
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