Archive | Irrigation

River Training: Objectives and Methods

After reading this article you will learn about the objectives and methods of river training. Objectives of River Training: River-training measures aim at achieving one or more of the following objectives: (i) Flood Protection: Floods cause enormous damage to life and property almost every year. River training for flood protection (also known as 'high water training' or 'training for discharge') [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:15:50+00:00December 23, 2016|Irrigation|Comments Off on River Training: Objectives and Methods

Controlling Water Reservoir: 4 Regulating Devices

This article throws light upon the four regulating devices generally used for controlling water reservoirs. The regulating devices are: 1. Flashboards and Stop-Logs 2. Vertical Lift Gates 3. Radial Gates 4. Drum Gates. 1. Flashboards and Stop Logs: Flashboards and stop logs raise the reservoir storage level above a fixed spillway crest level when the spillway is not required to [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:15:49+00:00December 23, 2016|Water Reservoir|Comments Off on Controlling Water Reservoir: 4 Regulating Devices

Types of Canal Outlets (With Design and Diagram)

Canal outlets are of the following three types: 1. Non-Modular Outlets 2. Semi-Modular Outlets 3. Modular Outlets. Type # 1. Non-Modular Outlets: In non-modular canal outlets, discharge capacity depends on the difference of water levels in the distributary and the watercourse. The discharge through non- modular outlets fluctuates over a wide range with variations in the water levels of either [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:15:49+00:00December 23, 2016|Canals|Comments Off on Types of Canal Outlets (With Design and Diagram)
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