Archive | Invertebrate Zoology

Ancylostoma Duodenale: Discovery, Life Cycle and Pathogenesis

In this article we will discuss about Ancylostoma Duodenale:- 1. Discovery of Ancylostoma Duodenale 2. Life Cycle of Ancylostoma Duodenale 3. Pathogenesis 4. Treatment and Control of Disease. Discovery of Ancylostoma Duodenale: Ancylostoma Duodenale was discovered by an Italian physician, Angelo Ducini Looss in 1898. It is found in the small intestine of millions of people chiefly in Europe, Africa, [...]

By |2016-06-02T03:49:30+00:00June 2, 2016|Phylum Nemathelminthes|Comments Off on Ancylostoma Duodenale: Discovery, Life Cycle and Pathogenesis

Pinworms: Structure and Pathogenesis (With Diagram)

In this article we will discuss about Pinworms:- 1. Structure of Pinworms 2. Pathogenesis 3. Treatment and Control of Disease. Structure of Pinworms: Pinworms are characterized by an oesophagus with a posterior bulb. Both males and females are with pointed tails. Males are with one or two equal spicules. All are parasites, primarily in vertebrates. There are no intermediate hosts. [...]

By |2016-06-02T03:49:28+00:00June 2, 2016|Phylum Nemathelminthes|Comments Off on Pinworms: Structure and Pathogenesis (With Diagram)

Brachiopoda: Shape, Structure and Affinities | Marine Animals

In this article we will discuss about Brachiopoda:- 1. Shape and Symmetry of Brachiopoda 2. Structure of Brachiopoda 3. Body Wall 4. Body Cavity 5. Muscular System 6. Digestive System 7. Respiratory System 8. Circulatory System 9. Excretory System 10. Nervous System 11. Reproductive System 12. Development 13. Affinities Shape and Symmetry of Brachiopoda: Brachiopoda are marine animals with a [...]

By |2016-06-02T03:49:13+00:00June 2, 2016|Brachiopoda|Comments Off on Brachiopoda: Shape, Structure and Affinities | Marine Animals
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