Archive | Immunology

Types of Immune System (With Diagram)| Microbiology

There are two types of immune systems: 1. The Humoral Immune System 2. The Cell Mediated Immune System. 1. The Humoral Immune System: The humoral immune system involves the antibodies that get dissolved in extracellular fluid such as blood plasma, lymph and mucus secretion. These were formally known as humors. The humoral immunity is conferred through B-cells that develop from [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:04:00+00:00November 28, 2016|Immune System|Comments Off on Types of Immune System (With Diagram)| Microbiology

Autoimmunity: Meaning and Causes | Microbiology

In this article we ill discus about the meaning and causes of autoimmunity. Meaning of Autoimmunity: In the beginning of 20th century, Paul Ehrlich, proposed the concept of 'horror auto-toxicus'. In such condition a 'normal' body does not mount an immune response against its own tissues. Thus, any autoimmune response perceived is abnormal which was supposed to be connected with [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:03:59+00:00November 28, 2016|Immunology|Comments Off on Autoimmunity: Meaning and Causes | Microbiology

6 Main Contributors to Non-Specific Resistance | Microbiology

Non specific resistance is the defense of our body from any kinds of the pathogens. It includes skin and mucous membrane, phagocytosis, inflammation, fever, production of antimicrobial substances. 1. Skin and Mucus Membranes: Skin and mucus membranes provide the first step of defense to the body against invasion of the pathogen. It acts both as mechanical barrier as well as [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:03:59+00:00November 28, 2016|Immunology|Comments Off on 6 Main Contributors to Non-Specific Resistance | Microbiology
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