Archive | Immunology

Detection of Ferritin Products | Human Blood | Immunology

Ferritin is an iron-binding globular protein present in every cell type. It is a 450 kDa protein consisting of 24 subunits composed of 2 chains - H & L. ferritin is composed of a protein shell within which about 4500 iron (Fe3+) ions can be stored. Ferritin stores iron so that our body can use it later. It is a [...]

By |2017-12-12T10:37:15+00:00December 12, 2017|Ferritin Products|Comments Off on Detection of Ferritin Products | Human Blood | Immunology

Tumor Markers: Types and Diagnosis | Biochemical Indicator | Immunology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning and Uses of Tumor Markers 2. Types of Tumor Markers 3. Identification 4. Diagnosis 5. Specific Tumor Markers. Contents: Meaning and Uses of Tumor Markers Types of Tumor Markers Identification of Tumor Markers Diagnosis of Tumor Markers Specific Tumor Markers 1. Meaning and Uses of Tumor Markers: A tumor marker is [...]

By |2017-12-12T10:37:14+00:00December 12, 2017|Tumor Markers|Comments Off on Tumor Markers: Types and Diagnosis | Biochemical Indicator | Immunology

Immune Response to Transplants | Immune System | Immunology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Transplantation 2. Immunologic Basis of Graft Rejection 3. Clinical Manifestation of Graft Rejection 4. Clinical Transplantation 5. General Immunosuppressive Therapy 6. Specific Immunosuppressive Therapy. Contents: Introduction to Transplantation Immunologic Basis of Graft Rejection Clinical Manifestation of Graft Rejection Clinical Transplantation General Immunosuppressive Therapy Specific Immunosuppressive Therapy 1. Introduction to Transplantation: [...]

By |2017-12-12T10:37:14+00:00December 12, 2017|Transplantation|Comments Off on Immune Response to Transplants | Immune System | Immunology
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