Archive | Human Physiology

Reticulo-Endothelial (Macrophages): Classification & Functions | Biology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Reticulo-Endothelial 2. Classification, Varieties and Distribution of Reticulo-Endothelial Cells 3. Functions. Introduction to Reticulo-Endothelial: It has been known for many years that if a vital dye (viz., Trypan blue, Lithium carmine, etc.) be injected into a living animal, certain cells engulf the dye particles, whereas other do not. It is [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:46+00:00July 27, 2017|Reticulo-Endothelial System|Comments Off on Reticulo-Endothelial (Macrophages): Classification & Functions | Biology

Processes of Chemical Changes in Muscles | Humans | Biology

Following chemical changes take place during contraction in the anaerobic and aerobic phases in human body. 1. Glycolysis and Oxidative Breakdown: This process involves many separate enzymes and different intermediates. The end products are pyruvic or lactic acid. The first step in the liberation of energy for contraction is the breakdown of glycogen in the muscle fibre. The glycogen reacts [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:45+00:00July 27, 2017|Muscles Physiology|Comments Off on Processes of Chemical Changes in Muscles | Humans | Biology

Changes Found in Muscular Contraction: 3 Changes | Humans | Biology

The following changes are found to accompany any muscular contraction: 1. Mechanical Changes 2. Thermal Changes 3. Electrical Changes. 1. Mechanical Changes: During, contraction, the muscle fibre shortens in length, increases in thickness, but the total volume remains same (or slightly increases). The muscular contraction may be isometric when the length of the muscle fibres remains constant but the tension [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:45+00:00July 27, 2017|Muscles Physiology|Comments Off on Changes Found in Muscular Contraction: 3 Changes | Humans | Biology
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