Archive | Digestive System

Large Intestine of Human Body | Digestive System | Biology

In this article we will discuss about the movements and functions of large intestine of human body. Movements of Large Intestine: The colon receives mixed residues of food which have escaped digestion and absorption in the stomach and small intestine, i.e., undigested or indigestible food residues, whatever remains of digestive juices including large amount of H2O and the fluid that [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:37+00:00July 27, 2017|Digestive System|Comments Off on Large Intestine of Human Body | Digestive System | Biology

Movements of Human Small Intestine: 2 Types | Digestive System | Biology

The following types of movements are found in the human small intestine: 1. Rhythmic segmentation or Ludwig's pendulum 2. Peristalsis. Type # 1. Rhythmic Segmentation: Nature: These are rings of contraction occurring at regular space of intervals in which a portion of the intestine is divided into segments. The contraction is followed by relaxation. The contraction takes place at the [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:36+00:00July 27, 2017|Digestive System|Comments Off on Movements of Human Small Intestine: 2 Types | Digestive System | Biology

Vomiting (Emesis): Definition and Mechanism | Reflex | Human | Biology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Definition of Vomiting 2. Events takes Places During Vomiting 3. Mechanism. Definition of Vomiting: Vomiting is a reflex which serves to relieve the upper G.I. tract by forcible expulsion of gastric contents through the mouth. This may occur either because the contents are irritating or because the organs themselves or the nerves [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:36+00:00July 27, 2017|Digestive System|Comments Off on Vomiting (Emesis): Definition and Mechanism | Reflex | Human | Biology
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