Archive | Digestive System

Absorption of Water and Salts in Human Body | Biology

In this article we will discuss about the absorption of water and salts in human body. Absorption of Water: Very little water is absorbed from the stomach. Water introduced into the stomach almost immediately passes into the small intestine which is the chief seat of water absorption. The intestinal contents near the ileocecal valve contain the same proportion of water [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:37+00:00July 27, 2017|Digestive System|Comments Off on Absorption of Water and Salts in Human Body | Biology

Mechanism of Fat Absorption in Human Body (With Diagram) | Biology

The recent knowledge regarding the mechanism of fat absorption in human body has been briefly discussed below: Most dietary fat of either vegetable or animal origin comprises of triglycerides in which glycerol is comĀ­bined in low-energy ester linkages with three fatty acids and the fatty acids are of even number of carbon atoms. Fatty acids are both saturated and unsaturated [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:37+00:00July 27, 2017|Digestive System|Comments Off on Mechanism of Fat Absorption in Human Body (With Diagram) | Biology

Composition of Faeces in Human Body | Excretion | Biology

In this article we will discuss about the composition of faeces in human body. The chyme derived from the first food intake requires 36 hours for its solidification to be converted into solid residual matter known as faeces. Roughly about 150 gm of solid stool is passed in 24 hours. If vegetable, coarse cereals and cellulose be excluded from the [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:37+00:00July 27, 2017|Digestive System|Comments Off on Composition of Faeces in Human Body | Excretion | Biology
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