Archive | Digestive System

Structure of Gastric Mucosa | Digestive System

In this article we will discuss about the structure of gastric mucosa. The gastric mucosa is normally covered by a thick layer of mucous. Once this layer is removed, one can make out a number of pores known as gastric pits. Each pit is the out let for 3-7 gastric glands (Fig. 5.10). The gastric glands are tubular glands which [...]

By |2016-11-06T04:09:53+00:00November 6, 2016|Digestive System|Comments Off on Structure of Gastric Mucosa | Digestive System

Salivary Secretion in Human Beings | Digestive System

Saliva is the first digestive juice to come in contact with food. Saliva is secreted by three major salivary glands namely: i. Parotid ii. Submandibular (sub-maxillary) iii. Sublingual. Apart from these, there are minor salivary glands in the floor of the mouth, pharynx, tongue and cheeks. Composition of Saliva: On an average, the rate of secretion of saliva is about [...]

By |2016-11-06T04:09:53+00:00November 6, 2016|Digestive System|Comments Off on Salivary Secretion in Human Beings | Digestive System

Functions of Saliva | Human Physiology

The functions of saliva are: 1. Lubrication of food: Assisted by chewing, saliva gets mixed with food in the mouth; the mucin which is a sticky substance helps to form bolus. Saliva prepares the food for swallowing forming a slippery coat over the bolus. 2. Solvent action: Taste is a chemical sense. Any substance, the taste of which has to [...]

By |2016-11-06T04:09:52+00:00November 6, 2016|Digestive System|Comments Off on Functions of Saliva | Human Physiology
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