Archive | Hematology

Study of Phlebotomy Techniques in Laboratory | Hematology

In the below contents we will study about phlebotomy techniques both by syringe methods and capillary method. Phlebotomy Technique by Syringe Methods: Needle: Sterilized sharp needles of bore size 18-20 gauge (medium, 12-0.9 mm) for adults and 23 gauge (0.5 mm) for children are needed. The bevel length should be medium (20 mm) for adults and short (15 mm) for [...]

By |2017-06-27T08:56:03+00:00June 27, 2017|Laboratory|Comments Off on Study of Phlebotomy Techniques in Laboratory | Hematology

Safety Measures to Prevent Laboratory Hazards | Hematology

In this article we will discuss about some of the safety measures that will help you to prevent from laboratory hazards. There are many categories of hazards that might be encountered in a laboratory setĀ­ting, and situations can change frequently. Even after you have identified and controlled all current risks, it is critical that you remain open to the possibility [...]

By |2017-06-27T08:56:03+00:00June 27, 2017|Laboratory|Comments Off on Safety Measures to Prevent Laboratory Hazards | Hematology

Medical Laboratory Technology: Role and Ethics| Laboratory | Hematology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction and Role of Medical Lab Technology 2. Ethics and Responsibilities of Medical Lab Technologists. Introduction and Role of Medical Lab Technology: Medical laboratory science is an umbrella field comprising a number of different disciĀ­plines. The major disciplines/departments of medical laboratory science are: 1. Clinical Chemistry 2. Hematology 3. Histopathology 4. Medical [...]

By |2017-06-27T08:56:03+00:00June 27, 2017|Hematology|Comments Off on Medical Laboratory Technology: Role and Ethics| Laboratory | Hematology
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