Archive | Food Microbiology

Types of Bacterial Food Poisoning: 3 Types

The following points highlight the three main types of bacterial food poisoning. The types are: 1. Ingestion of Pre-Formed Toxin 2. Non-Invasive Infection 3. Invasive Infection. Type # 1. Ingestion of Pre-Formed Toxin: Toxins may be produced in and ingested with the food as in Staphylococcus aureus food poisoning and the Bacillus cereus emetic syndrome. Botulism is similar in this respect [...]

By |2016-10-17T07:18:45+00:00October 17, 2016|Food Microbiology|Comments Off on Types of Bacterial Food Poisoning: 3 Types

Insufficiency of Food and Ill Health | Microbiology

Although food is indispensible to the maintenance of life, it can also be responsible for ill health. A simple insufficiency will lead to marasmus (protein-energy deficiency) while over-reliance on staples low in protein, such as cassava, produces the condition known as kwashiorkor. A diet may provide adequate protein and energy but be lacking in specific minerals or vitamins giving rise [...]

By |2016-10-17T07:18:45+00:00October 17, 2016|Food Microbiology|Comments Off on Insufficiency of Food and Ill Health | Microbiology

Types of Bacterial Food Poisoning: 3 Types

The following points highlight the three main types of bacterial food poisoning. The types are: 1. Ingestion of Pre-Formed Toxin 2. Non-Invasive Infection 3. Invasive Infection. Type # 1. Ingestion of Pre-Formed Toxin: Toxins may be produced in and ingested with the food as in Staphylococcus aureus food poisoning and the Bacillus cereus emetic syndrome. Botulism is similar in this respect [...]

By |2016-10-17T07:18:44+00:00October 17, 2016|Food Microbiology|Comments Off on Types of Bacterial Food Poisoning: 3 Types
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