Archive | Evolution

Top 5 Theories of the Evolution of Organic Forms

The following points highlight the top five theories of the evolution of organic forms. The theories are: 1. Theory of Eternity of Present Conditions 2. Theory of Special Creation or Creationism 3. Cosmozoic Theory 4. Theory of Catastrophism and Spontaneous Creation 5. Theory of Organic Evolution. Theories of the Evolution of Organic Forms: Theory of Eternity of Present Conditions Theory [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:55:56+00:00July 12, 2016|Evolution|Comments Off on Top 5 Theories of the Evolution of Organic Forms

Top 7 Evidences Supporting Organic Evolution

The following points highlight the top seven evidences supporting organic evolution. Some of the evidences are: 1. Evidences from Palaeontology, 2. Evidences from Comparative Morphology, 3. Evidences from taxonomy, 4. Evidences from comparative physiology and biochemistry, 5. Evidences from Embryology-Doctrine of recapitulation or Biogenetic laws and few others. Evidences Supporting Organic Evolution: Evidences from Palaeontology Evidences from Comparative Morphology Evidences [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:55:56+00:00July 12, 2016|Evolution|Comments Off on Top 7 Evidences Supporting Organic Evolution
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