Archive | Medical Science

Treating the Diseases of Autonomic Nervous System | Essay | Medical Science

In this essay we will discuss about the drugs used for treating the diseases of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Essay # 1. Drugs Used for Treating the Diseases of Sympathetic Nervous System: 1. Sympathomometic Drugs: Sympathomimetic drugs have effects similar to those produced by activity of sympathetic nervous system. However, drugs differ quantitatively in responses on the two adrenergic [...]

By |2017-04-07T06:05:26+00:00April 7, 2017|Medical Science|Comments Off on Treating the Diseases of Autonomic Nervous System | Essay | Medical Science

Treating the Diseases of Central Nervous System | Essay | Medical Science

In this essay we will discuss about the drugs used in treating the diseases of central nervous system. 1. Essay on Anxiolytics: Anxiolytics (sedatives) relieve anxiety. Anxiety is a normal reaction but when severe and disabling it becomes pathological. Anxiolytics can induce sleep when given at night. i. Benzodiazepines: Benzodiazepines also known as minor tranquillizers are the most commonly used [...]

By |2017-04-07T06:05:26+00:00April 7, 2017|Medical Science|Comments Off on Treating the Diseases of Central Nervous System | Essay | Medical Science

Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) | Essay | Diseases | Medical Science

In this essay we will discuss about the  drugs used for the treatment of   Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). 1. NSAIDs: NSAIDs are used as the initial therapy for RA and as an adjunct to DMARDs to provide symptomatic relief for pain and inflammation. They do not prevent the degenerative changes and tissue damage responsible for the deformity. 2. Glucocorticoids: Glucocorticoids are [...]

By |2017-04-07T06:05:26+00:00April 7, 2017|Medical Science|Comments Off on Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) | Essay | Diseases | Medical Science
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