Archive | Hormones

Hormones Secreted by Islets Cells | Hormones | Pancreas | Endocrinology

The following points highlight the two important hormones secreted by islets cells. The hormones are: 1. Insulin 2. Glucagon. Hormone # 1. Insulin: It is the active principle of the islets cells. It is albumin in nature having a molecular weight of 35,000. It is hydrolyzed by proteolytic enzymes, hence is not effective orally. It is easily destroyed by alkalies [...]

By |2017-03-21T07:34:49+00:00March 21, 2017|Hormones|Comments Off on Hormones Secreted by Islets Cells | Hormones | Pancreas | Endocrinology

Essay on Hormones: Meaning, Classification and Dosage | Animals | Pharmacology

After reading this essay you will learn about:- 1. Classification of Hormones 2. Mechanism of Action of Hormones 3. Transport and Metabolism of Hormones 4. Dose Level of Hormones 5. Duration of Action 6. Route of Administration 7. Terms Related to Hormones. Contents: Essay on the Classification of Hormones Essay on the Mechanism of Action of Hormones Essay on Transport [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:34:38+00:00March 4, 2017|Hormones|Comments Off on Essay on Hormones: Meaning, Classification and Dosage | Animals | Pharmacology

Essay on Hormones: Characteristics and Mechanism

In this article we will discuss about the Hormones:- 1. Definition of Hormones 2. General Characteristics of Hormones 3. Classification 4. Mechanism of Action 5. Assay 6. Chemistry and Functions. Contents: Essay on the Definition of Hormones Essay on the General Characteristics of Hormones Essay on the Classification of Hormones Essay on the Mechanism of Action of Hormones Essay on [...]

By |2016-08-03T17:40:16+00:00August 3, 2016|Hormones|Comments Off on Essay on Hormones: Characteristics and Mechanism
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