Archive | Cancer

Essay on Tobacco and Cancer | Diseases | Biology

Here is an essay on ‘Tobacco and Cancer’ which states – How smoking or consuming tobacco can trigger the development of cancer. Once the importance of environmental factors in triggering the development of cancer had been established, the question arose as to the identity of the agents involved. At the top of the list is tobacco smoke, now known to [...]

By |2017-05-17T08:03:06+00:00May 17, 2017|Cancer|Comments Off on Essay on Tobacco and Cancer | Diseases | Biology

Essay on Food Habits and Cancer | Diseases | Biology

Here is an essay on ‘Food Habits and Cancer’ which states – How food habits may trigger the development of cancer. Essay # 1. Food Contains Carcinogens as well as Anticarcinogens: Besides tobacco and alcohol, where else do people encounter chemicals that may be carcinogenic? Of the thousands of chemicals we encounter each day, most of the chemicals that enter [...]

By |2017-05-17T08:03:05+00:00May 17, 2017|Cancer|Comments Off on Essay on Food Habits and Cancer | Diseases | Biology

Essay on Cancer Treatment (For Medical Students) | Types | Diseases | Biology

Are you looking for an essay on ‘Cancer Treatment’? Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Cancer Treatment’ especially written for college and medical students.   1. Essay on Cancer Treatment: (Around 200 Words) Success of Cancer Treatments: The success rates for current cancer treatments are strongly influenced by the stage at which the disease is diagnosed. When cancer is detected [...]

By |2017-05-17T08:03:05+00:00May 17, 2017|Cancer|Comments Off on Essay on Cancer Treatment (For Medical Students) | Types | Diseases | Biology
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