Archive | Endocrinology

Calcitonin in Humans | Endocrinology

In human beings, calcitonin is produced from the parafollicular cells (C cells) of the thyroid gland. Calcitonin is made up of 32 amino acids with a molecular weight of 3500. It is a peptide hormone secreted by the parafollicular cells of thyroid gland. Actions: It is a hypocalcemic agent and hence decreases plasma calcium level. When thyroid gland is perfused [...]

By |2016-11-06T04:09:48+00:00November 6, 2016|Endocrinology|Comments Off on Calcitonin in Humans | Endocrinology

Insulin: Actions and Regulation | Endocrinology

In this article we will discuss about the action and regulation of insulin. Actions of Insulin (Figs 6.43, 6.44): 1. On carbohydrate metabolism 2. Fat metabolism 3. Protein metabolism 4. On plasma potassium. Action on Carbohydrate Metabolism: i. It is a hypoglycemic agent. ii. Decreases the blood glucose level. iii. The normal fasting blood glucose level is in the range [...]

By |2016-11-06T04:09:48+00:00November 6, 2016|Endocrinology|Comments Off on Insulin: Actions and Regulation | Endocrinology

Functions of Ionic Calcium (With Diagram)

In this article we will discuss about the functions of ionic calcium. i. Maintenance of RMP: Because of this, the excitability of neuron and muscle is maintained. A decrease in calcium ion level increases the excitability and vice versa when calcium ion level decreases. ii. N-M transmission: It plays an important role in conduction of impulse across neuromuscular junction. The [...]

By |2016-11-06T04:09:48+00:00November 6, 2016|Endocrinology|Comments Off on Functions of Ionic Calcium (With Diagram)
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