Archive | Ecology

Structures and Plant Community | Ecology

This article throws light upon the seven main structures to be determined in plant community. The structures are: 1. Population Density 2. Cover and Dominance 3. Height of Plants 4. Weight of Plants 5. Volume Occupied by Plants 6. Frequency 7. Importance Value Index. Structure # 1. Population Density: The density of a species is the numerical representation of its [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:46+00:00December 13, 2016|Community|Comments Off on Structures and Plant Community | Ecology

Modelling of Populations and their Interaction| Ecology

After reading this article you will learn about the modelling of populations and their interaction in a community. The effects of different types of interaction amongst the community's component populations may be modelled in terms of their consequences for population growth and dynamics. The models used to describe the dynamics of such population fall in effect into two distinct 'families' [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:46+00:00December 13, 2016|Community|Comments Off on Modelling of Populations and their Interaction| Ecology

Process of Community Analysis: 4 Categories | Ecology

This article throws light upon the four categories of processes of Community Analysis. The categories of processes are: 1. Biological Spectrum or Life Form Analysis 2. Stratification 3. Quantitative Structures of Plant Community 4. Synthetic Characters of Plant Community. Category # 1. Biological Spectrum or Life Form Analysis: Danish Botanist Christen Raunkiaer (1903) atĀ­tempted to describe the communities (higher plants) [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:45+00:00December 13, 2016|Community|Comments Off on Process of Community Analysis: 4 Categories | Ecology
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