Archive | Arid Zone

Seed of Arid Zone Plants (With Diagram)

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Seed Size and Number 2. Soil Seed Banks 3. Seed Viability. Seed Size and Number: Seeds are admirably suited to their triple role as a means of multiplication, dispersal and stress avoidance. But equally important for the long-term survival of the species involved is the fact that in most cases each [...]

By |2016-06-13T05:33:46+00:00June 13, 2016|Arid Zone|Comments Off on Seed of Arid Zone Plants (With Diagram)

Vegetation of Cold Arid Zone

This article throws light upon the three main formations of vegetation of cold arid zone. The formations are: 1. Sub-Tropical Semi Desert 2. Alpine Steppe 3. Steppe of Artemisia. Formation # 1. Sub-Tropical Semi Desert: (i) On steep rocky slopes Olea cuspidata, Rosa webbiana, Pistacia sp., Halophyllurn griffithianum and Matthiola odoratissima are the chief species, (ii) On screen fans Artemisia [...]

By |2016-06-13T05:33:45+00:00June 13, 2016|Arid Zone|Comments Off on Vegetation of Cold Arid Zone

Plant Species of Natural Vegetation: 7 Types | Arid Zone

This article throws light upon the seven types of plant species of natural vegetation. The types are: 1. Roots and Tubers 2. Rhizomes 3. Foliage 4. Flowers and Buds 5. Fruits 6. Seeds 7. Fresh Fruits. Type # 1. Roots and Tubers: The roots of Asparagus sp. (Satavar), Butea sp. (Dhak palas) and Bombax sp. (Semul) and generally boiled or [...]

By |2016-06-13T05:33:45+00:00June 13, 2016|Arid Zone|Comments Off on Plant Species of Natural Vegetation: 7 Types | Arid Zone
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