Archive | Diseases

Diseases of Liver: 2 Diseases

The following points highlight the two major diseases of liver. The diseases are: 1. Liver Damage 2. Jaundice. Disease # 1. Liver Damage: i. Hepatitis: (a) The liver becomes tender and enlarged fol­lowing continued excessive intake of al­cohol. The patient may become jaundiced. (b) If alcohol intake is continued, acute liver failure may arise with deep jaundice and several cerebral [...]

By |2016-08-08T14:35:58+00:00August 8, 2016|Diseases|Comments Off on Diseases of Liver: 2 Diseases

Diseases of Gall Bladder and Bile Ducts

The following points highlight the three major diseases of gall bladder and bile ducts. The diseases are: 1. Gall-stones (Cholelithiasis) 2. Acute Cholecystitis 3. Chronic Cholecystitis. Disease # 1. Gall-stones (Cholelithiasis): The bile is concentrated in the gall-bladder and when it is supersaturated gall-stones are likely to form. Super saturation arises when there is an insuf­ficiency of solubilizing agents such [...]

By |2016-08-08T14:35:58+00:00August 8, 2016|Diseases|Comments Off on Diseases of Gall Bladder and Bile Ducts

Hypertension: Meaning, Treatment and Prevention

In this article we will discuss about the Hypertension:- 1. Meaning of Hypertension 2. Classification of Blood Pressure 3. Treatment 4. Prevention. Meaning of Hypertension: Hypertension is an important cause of several ma­jor disease and it is amenable to treatment. Hence, measurement of blood pressure is a part of all rou­tine clinical examinations of adults. Hypertension is a major risk [...]

By |2016-08-08T14:35:57+00:00August 8, 2016|Hypertension|Comments Off on Hypertension: Meaning, Treatment and Prevention
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