Archive | Diseases

Nematode and Human Diseases | Helminths

The following points highlight the nine major human diseases caused due to infestation with the nematodes. The human diseases are: 1. Ascariasis 2. Ancylostomiasis 3. Enterobiasis 4. Trichuriasis 5. Trichinosis 6. Strongyloidiasis 7. Filariasis or Elephantiasis 8. Loiasis 9. Onchocerciasis. Human Disease # 1. Ascariasis: Ascariasis is a highly prevalent disease caused by the largest nematode (roundworm) Ascaris lumbricoides. It [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:29:04+00:00May 2, 2016|Diseases|Comments Off on Nematode and Human Diseases | Helminths

Disease Types: Top 10 Major Types of Diseases – Explained!

This article throws light upon the ten major types of diseases. The types are: 1. Water Borne Diseases  2. Enteric Fevers 3. Cholera and Other Acute Diarrheal Diseases 4. Dysenteries 5. Infective Hepatitis 6. Air Borne Diseases 7. Plague 8. Food Borne Diseases 9. Bacterial Food Poisoning 10. Poliomyelitis. Disease Type # 1. Water Borne Diseases: The majority of these [...]

By |2016-03-09T06:50:40+00:00March 9, 2016|Diseases|Comments Off on Disease Types: Top 10 Major Types of Diseases – Explained!

7 Major Diseases Cured by Using Garlic

This article throws light upon the seven major cured solved by using garlic. The diseases are: 1. Atherosclerosis and Lipid Metabo­lism 2. Fibrinolytic Activity 3. Platelet Aggregation 4. Blood Pressure Lowering Effect 5. Diabetes Mellitus 6. Antioxidant Effects 7. Arrhythmia and Others Cardiovascular Ef­fects. Disease # 1. Atherosclerosis and Lipid Metabo­lism: Atherosclerosis is a complex disease, character­ized by an excessive [...]

By |2016-03-09T06:50:03+00:00March 9, 2016|Diseases|Comments Off on 7 Major Diseases Cured by Using Garlic
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