Archive | Cell Biology

Useful Notes on Cell Metabolism (With Diagram)

The metabolism of cells includes: (1) All the individual chemical reactions, (2) The sequences of these reac­tions, (3) The interrelationships that exist among the reaction sequences, and (4) The various mechanisms that regulate the reactions. Individual reactions may be energy pro­ducing (the exergonic reactions) or energy consuming (endergonic reactions). Commonly, the primary reactants or substrates are converted into final products [...]

By |2015-08-27T16:27:10+00:00September 23, 2014|Cell Biology|Comments Off on Useful Notes on Cell Metabolism (With Diagram)

3 Individual Steps of Metabolic Pathways

Initially the ex­istence of a pathway is identified by observing that the consumption of certain reactants leads to the accumulation of certain products. For example, the consumption of sugar and the production of carbon di­oxide and alcohol during alcoholic fermentation is a pathway that has been known for centuries; the over­all reaction is, By quantitative chemical analysis, it is possible [...]

By |2015-08-27T16:27:23+00:00September 23, 2014|Cell Biology|Comments Off on 3 Individual Steps of Metabolic Pathways

Useful Notes on Isoenzymes and Zymogens (With Diagram)

Occasionally, several different enzyme molecules, all of which catalyze the same chemical reaction, have been isolated from a single tissue. Such families of en­zymes are called isoenzymes or isozymes. Among the various isoenzymes the lactic dehydrogenases have been most extensively studied, and five different forms have been identified. All are composed of four polypeptide chains of two types called M [...]

By |2015-08-27T16:29:52+00:00September 22, 2014|Cell Biology|Comments Off on Useful Notes on Isoenzymes and Zymogens (With Diagram)
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