Archive | Botany

4 Main Types of Lichen Thallus (With Diagram) | Botany

The following points highlight the four main types of lichen thallus. The types are: 1. Crustose (Crustaceous) Lichens 2. Foliose (Foliaceous) Lichens 3. Fruticose Lichens 4. Squamulose Lichens. Type # 1. Crustose (Crustaceous) Lichens: The thallus is of insignificant size. It is flat, thin usually without any distinct lobes. It is just like a thin layer or crust closely attached [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:34:35+00:00November 28, 2016|Lichens|Comments Off on 4 Main Types of Lichen Thallus (With Diagram) | Botany

Examples of Lichens (With Diagram)

The following points highlight the two main examples of lichens. The examples are: 1. Parmelia 2. Usnea. Example # 1. Parmelia: It is a common example of a foliose lichen which is found growing on the bark as well as the rock intermixed with the mosses at higher altitude (above 4,000 ft.). The heteromerous thallus is lobed to deeply incised. [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:34:35+00:00November 28, 2016|Lichens|Comments Off on Examples of Lichens (With Diagram)

Structure of Lichen Thallus (With Diagram)

On the basis of internal structure of thallus, the lichens are divided into two groups, namely, homoiomerous and heteromerous lichens. 1. Structure of Homoiomerous Lichen Thallus: In the gelatinous lichen thalli such as Collema and Leptogium, the thallus shows a simple structure with little differentiation. It consists of a loosely interwoven mass of fungal hyphae with algal cells equally distributed [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:34:35+00:00November 28, 2016|Lichens|Comments Off on Structure of Lichen Thallus (With Diagram)
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