Archive | Botany

Equisetum: Habitat, Structure and Reproduction

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Habit and Habitat of Equisetum 2. Structure of Equisetum 3. Reproduction 4. Life Cycle. Habit and Habitat of Equisetum: The plant body of Equisetum has an aerial part and an underground rhizome part (Fig. 7.83). The rhizome is perennial, horizontal, branched and creeping in nature. The aerial part is herbaceous and usually [...]

By |2016-08-24T10:16:51+00:00August 24, 2016|Pteridophyta|Comments Off on Equisetum: Habitat, Structure and Reproduction

Isoetes: Structure and Reproduction

In this article we will discuss about the structure and reproduction in Isoetes with the help of diagrams. Structure of Isoetes: Sporophyte: The plant resembles a monocot garlic plant in particular (Fig. 7.59). Isoetes is commonly called 'Quill wort' due to the quill (a large feather)-like structure of the leaves. The plant body consists of a condensed, lobed corm or [...]

By |2016-08-24T10:16:51+00:00August 24, 2016|Pteridophyta|Comments Off on Isoetes: Structure and Reproduction

Telome Theory (With Diagram)

Introduction to Telome Theory: It is now widely accepted (on the basis of overwhelming amount of evidence) that the land- dwelling plants evolved from aquatic ancestors. Ail organisms known in the Precambrian, Cambrian and Ordovician periods of Paleozoic Era lived in aquatic environment. The evolution­ary conquest of land probably occurred some­times between the late Cambrian and early Silurian. The concrete [...]

By |2016-08-24T10:16:51+00:00August 24, 2016|Botany|Comments Off on Telome Theory (With Diagram)
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