Archive | Biodiversity

Status of Forests and Biodiversity in India (1990-2005)

India is a mega-biodiversity country. Variety of physiographic and climatic conditions has attributed India with rich biodiversity. Biogeographically, India is situated at the tri-junction of three realms, namely, Afro-tropical, Indo-Malayan and Palaeo-arctic realms. Therefore, India has characteristic elements from each of them. This assemblage of three distinct realms probably is a fact which is believed to partly account for its [...]

By |2015-08-27T15:54:02+00:00November 27, 2014|Biodiversity|Comments Off on Status of Forests and Biodiversity in India (1990-2005)

7 Causes of Biodiversity Loss in India – Explained!

Biodiversity loss has always existed as a natural process but threats to biodiversity arise when the rate of extinction exceeds the rate of speciation. Biodiversity loss is primarily related with human interactions with natural resources. In early phases of life, humans remained as one component of ecosystem but, very recently, humans have become a factor of ecosystem and started reshaping [...]

By |2015-08-27T15:54:45+00:00November 27, 2014|Biodiversity|Comments Off on 7 Causes of Biodiversity Loss in India – Explained!

A Study on Sustainable Biodiversity and Food Security in the Kollihills, Tamil Nadu

Read this article to learn about the Sustainable Biodiversity and Food Security in the Kollihills, Tamil Nadu ! This study explores the diversity of the indigenous agroforestry systems of the Kollihills, identifies the factors which force the tribal people to engage in activities that erode those systems, and also the farming systems in practice, and formulates policy interventions designed to [...]

By |2015-08-27T17:02:45+00:00July 4, 2014|Biodiversity|Comments Off on A Study on Sustainable Biodiversity and Food Security in the Kollihills, Tamil Nadu
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