Archive | Biodiversity

Biodiversity: Meaning, Types, Evolution, Factors and Measures

Read this article to learn about the meaning, types, evolution, factors and measures of biodiversity. Meaning of Biodiversity: The biosphere (the web of life that lives within and depends upon the inorganic spheres) constitutes a vital life support system for man and its existence in a healthy and functional state is essential for the existence of human race. It is [...]

By |2015-08-27T19:29:47+00:00August 24, 2015|Biodiversity|Comments Off on Biodiversity: Meaning, Types, Evolution, Factors and Measures

Hotspots of Biodiversity in India

Of the twenty-five hotspots of biodiversity, recognized in the world, two are found in India, which extend into the neighboring countries: (i) The Indo-Burma region covering the Eastern Himalayas and (ii) the Western Ghats - Sri Lankan region. The hotspots are rich in floral wealth, reptiles, amphibians, mammals and also in their endemism. The botanical hotspots of India include: (1) [...]

By |2015-08-27T07:27:52+00:00January 31, 2015|Biodiversity|Comments Off on Hotspots of Biodiversity in India

List of Global Hotspots of Biodiversity

Hotspots are the areas that are biologically rich and exhibit high species diversity most of which are endemic in nature. Endemic species are those that are restricted to a specific area. Hotspots are characterised by richness in floral and faunal wealth. Though the area covered by the hotspots represent only two per cent of the world's land area, it preserves [...]

By |2015-08-27T07:27:57+00:00January 31, 2015|Biodiversity|Comments Off on List of Global Hotspots of Biodiversity
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