Archive | Bioenergetics

Compounds of High Energy Potential | Bioenergetics

In this article we will discuss about the importance of ATP and other compounds of high energy potential. Living cells must perform some endergonic reactions; these are not only anabolic reactions like those already mentioned (biosynthesis of macro- molecules such as polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids), but also some reactions of transport, transmission, mechanical work, functioning of the nerv­ous system, catabolic [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:26:33+00:00December 23, 2016|Bioenergetics|Comments Off on Compounds of High Energy Potential | Bioenergetics

Formation of ATP in the Respirator Chain | Bioenergetics

In this article we will learn about the formation of ATP in the respirator chain.  Advantage of an Oxidation by Steps: Glucose or glucosyl equivalents, are our main source of energy; we will take them as example to illustrate the relations between cellular oxidations and ATP formation. But it must be said that other compounds can be a source of [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:26:33+00:00December 23, 2016|Bioenergetics|Comments Off on Formation of ATP in the Respirator Chain | Bioenergetics

Formation of ATP by Photophosphorylation | Bioenergetics

In this article we will discuss about the process of formation of ATP by photophosphorylation. Photosynthesis: Light Phase and Dark Phase: Heterotrophic organisms collect from the external medium, comparatively simple organic molecules which can serve as carbon-containing skeletons for their syntheses or as energy source (ATP) when they are oxidized during mitochondrial reactions of respiration according to the general reaction: [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:26:33+00:00December 23, 2016|Bioenergetics|Comments Off on Formation of ATP by Photophosphorylation | Bioenergetics
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