Archive | Systematic Bacteriology

Shigella: Morphology, Characteristics and Treatment

In this article we will discuss about Shigella:- 1. Morphology of Shigella 2. Cultural Characteristics of Shigella 3. Pathogenicity 4. Colicin Typing 5. Treatment 6. Prevention and Control. Contents: Morphology of Shigella Cultural Characteristics of Shigella Pathogenicity of Shigella Colicin Typing of Shigella Treatment of Shigella Prevention and Control of Shigella 1. Morphology of Shigella: They are short Gram-negative bacilli, [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:37:13+00:00May 16, 2016|Systematic Bacteriology|Comments Off on Shigella: Morphology, Characteristics and Treatment

Brucellae (Brucellosis): Characteristics and Identification

In this article we will discuss about Brucellae (Brucellosis):- 1. Morphology and Staining Brucellae 2. Cultural Characteristics of Brucellae 3. Pathogenicity and Clinical Features 4. Laboratory Diagnosis 5. Specimen 6. Antibody Levels 7. Detection of Animal Infection.  Contents: Morphology and Staining Brucellae Cultural Characteristics of Brucellae Pathogenicity and Clinical Features of Brucellae Laboratory Diagnosis  of Brucellae Specimen of Brucellae Antibody [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:37:12+00:00May 16, 2016|Systematic Bacteriology|Comments Off on Brucellae (Brucellosis): Characteristics and Identification

Short Notes on Klebsiella | Systematic Bacteriology

The below mentioned article provides a short note on Klebsiella. Introduction to Klebsiella: Klebsiella are widely distributed in nature, occurring as commensals in intestine and as saprophytes in soil and water. They are non-motile, capsulated rods. They grow on ordinary media. On MacConkey Agar medium, their colonies are large dome shaped, mucoid and pink. Mucoid colonies can be identified by [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:37:12+00:00May 16, 2016|Systematic Bacteriology|Comments Off on Short Notes on Klebsiella | Systematic Bacteriology
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