Archive | Bacteriology

Meningococci: Morphology, Feature and Prevention | Human Disease

In this article we will discuss about Meningococci (Neisseria Meningtidis) [which is a Human Disease] :- 1. Morphology and Staining of Meningococci 2. Antigenic Structure of Meningococci 3. Pathogenicity and Clinical Features 4. Laboratory Diagnosis 5. Prevention and Control 6. Cultural Character 7. Branhamella 8. Biochemical Reaction. Contents: Morphology and Staining of Meningococci Antigenic Structure of Meningococci Pathogenicity and Clinical [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:37:13+00:00May 16, 2016|Systematic Bacteriology|Comments Off on Meningococci: Morphology, Feature and Prevention | Human Disease

Shigella: Morphology, Characteristics and Treatment

In this article we will discuss about Shigella:- 1. Morphology of Shigella 2. Cultural Characteristics of Shigella 3. Pathogenicity 4. Colicin Typing 5. Treatment 6. Prevention and Control. Contents: Morphology of Shigella Cultural Characteristics of Shigella Pathogenicity of Shigella Colicin Typing of Shigella Treatment of Shigella Prevention and Control of Shigella 1. Morphology of Shigella: They are short Gram-negative bacilli, [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:37:13+00:00May 16, 2016|Systematic Bacteriology|Comments Off on Shigella: Morphology, Characteristics and Treatment

Staphylococci: Meaning, Characteristics and Features

In this article we will discuss about Staphylococci:- 1. Meaning of Staphylococci 2. Morphology and Staining of Staphylococci 3. Cultural Characteristics 4. Biochemical Reactions 5. Antigenic Structure 6. Toxins and Enzymes 7. Pathogenicity and Clinical Features 8. Laboratory Diagnosis 9. Phage Typing Technique 10. Control Measures.  Contents: Meaning of Staphylococci Morphology and Staining of Staphylococci Cultural Characteristics of Staphylococci Biochemical [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:37:13+00:00May 16, 2016|Bacteriology|Comments Off on Staphylococci: Meaning, Characteristics and Features
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