Archive | Diseases

Trypanosomic Diseases Found in Animals

List of five major trypanosomic diseases found in animals:- 1. Dourine 2. Nagana 3. Surra 4. Mal-De-Caderas 5. Leishmaniasis. Trypanosomic Disease # 1. Dourine: Synonym: Infectious polyneuritis, CoverĀ­ing disease, Breeding paralysis. Definition: This is a chronic contagious infective disease affecting horses and asses characterised by local inflammation of external genital organs followed by cutaneous eruptions known as Dourine plaques and [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:53:15+00:00May 2, 2016|Diseases|Comments Off on Trypanosomic Diseases Found in Animals

4 Major Allergies Found in Animals

List of four major allergies found in animals:- 1. Enzootic Nasal granuloma of Cattle 2. Milk Allergy 3. Anaphylaxis (Idiosyncrasy) 4. Allergic Dermatitis of Horses. Allergy # 1. Enzootic Nasal Granuloma of Cattle: Of the three known clinical types of chronic nasal obstructions in cattle, two have been identiĀ­fied. One is caused by a fungus and another caused by a [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:53:15+00:00May 2, 2016|Diseases|Comments Off on 4 Major Allergies Found in Animals

13 Major Diseases Found in Animals

List of thirteen major diseases found in animals:- 1. Swine Erysipelas 2. Tuberculosis 3. Tubercular Mastitis 4. Gas Gangrene 5. Ranikhet Disease 6. Fowl Plague or Fowl Pest 7. Pseudorabies 8. Equine Piroplasmosis 9. Bovine Piroplasmosis 10. Canine Piroplasmosis 11. Bovine Theileriasis 12. Toxoplasmosis 13. Trichomoniasis. Disease # 1. Swine Erysipelas: Definition: Swine erysipelas is an acute, subacute, chronic infectious [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:53:15+00:00May 2, 2016|Diseases|Comments Off on 13 Major Diseases Found in Animals
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