Archive | Air Microbiology

Deterioration of Materials by Microorganisms

The following points highlight the ten economically important materials that are being deteriorated by the activity of microorganisms. The economically important materials are: 1. Pulp Wood 2. Paper-Pulp 3. Finished Paper 4. Textile and Cordage 5. Painted Surfaces 6. Rubber 7. Leather 8. Metal Corrosion 9. Wood Deterioration 10. Food Spoilage. Material # 1. Pulp-Wood: Pulp-wood represents the wood which [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:09:03+00:00September 16, 2016|Air Microbiology|Comments Off on Deterioration of Materials by Microorganisms

Removal of Microorganisms from Air | Air Microbiology

The following points highlight the top three devices used for the removal of microorganisms from air. The devices are: 1. Settling Plate 2. Sieve Device 3. Modern Samplers. Device # 1. Settling Plate: A Petri dish containing agar medium is kept covered and, at the time of sampling, the cover is removed from the Petri dish so that the agar [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:09:01+00:00September 16, 2016|Air Microbiology|Comments Off on Removal of Microorganisms from Air | Air Microbiology

Techniques to Control Microbial Agents in Air

In this article we will discuss about the physical and chemical techniques to control microbial agents present in air. Physical Techniques: Important physical techniques are the following: (i) Dust Control: The dust particles are laden with large number of microbial agents that cause diseases and allergies. Since dust occurs in home, schools, factories, laboratories and hospitals, its suppression to lower [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:08:58+00:00September 16, 2016|Air Microbiology|Comments Off on Techniques to Control Microbial Agents in Air
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